
How Long Does It Take the Brain to Heal After Tumor Removal?

Brain tumor removal surgery offers a chance for a brighter future, but the journey to recovery can be complex. This blog post from our Brain Tumor Center aims to empower patients and their loved ones by providing a comprehensive overview of the healing process. 

We'll explore the factors influencing recovery, the different stages involved, and the support systems available to guide you through this experience.

What to Avoid After Brain Surgery

Brain surgery can be a life-changing experience. While the procedure itself is a major feat, the road to recovery is just as important. Here, you'll find a comprehensive guide to post-operative care, empowering you to participate actively in your healing journey.

How Common Is a Brain Tumor

Have you ever wondered how common brain tumors are? A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain or surrounding areas, and these growths can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). 

Brain tumors are rare, and less than 1 percent of the population is diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor during their lifetime.

Diet and Nutrition for Brain Tumor Patients

A brain tumor diagnosis can be overwhelming, but maintaining a nutritious diet is an empowering step you can take to manage your well-being. Eating well fuels your body during treatment enhances your quality of life, and can even impact treatment outcomes. 

How Do You Get a Brain Tumor?

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in or near the brain. These tumors can originate within the brain (primary brain tumors) or spread to the brain from other parts of the body (secondary or metastatic brain tumors). 

What Is The Most Common Type of Brain Tumor in Kids?

As parents, our children’s health is our utmost concern, and when it comes to brain tumors, knowledge is power. The most prevalent brain tumor affecting children today is what’s known as pilocytic astrocytoma, and by understanding its characteristics, symptoms, and treatment options, we can be better equipped to recognize and address this condition.