What are Clinical Trials?
I'm sure many of us have come across the term "clinical trials" at some point while discussing potential medical treatments. In this article, we're here to provide a clear and concise explanation of what clinical trials are.
Pediatric Brain Tumors: What You Need To Know
Pediatric brain tumors can be a difficult topic, but understanding them is essential for parents and caregivers. We aim to provide you with a clear and informative resource to help give you accurate insight on your journey. These tumors are abnormal growths of cells within a child's brain, and they can be both challenging and emotionally taxing to deal with.
How Serious Is a Brain Tumor?
Brain cancer can be a tricky subject to navigate, which is why we will explore the often-asked question: How serious is a brain tumor? Let’s break down and explore the complex world of brain tumors, shedding light on their seriousness, symptoms, types, and more. As a leader in our industry, we aim to empower you with the understanding needed to make informed decisions about this challenging medical condition. Let’s get started!
What Is a PET Scan?
In modern medicine, innovation is constant. One remarkable diagnostic tool has significantly changed the way we detect and understand diseases - the PET scan. Short for Positron Emission Tomography, PET scans have become an invaluable asset to physicians and patients alike. Keep reading to explore the intricacies of PET scans, how they work, their applications, and why they are considered a game-changer in the world of medical imaging, especially for brain cancer.
Glioma vs Glioblastoma
When it comes to brain tumors, glioma and glioblastoma are two terms that often surface in medical discussions. These conditions can be confusing, as their names sound remarkably similar, but they have significant differences in terms of prognosis, treatment options, and outcomes.
"Brain Tumor Immunotherapy" Featuring Peter Fecci, MD, PhD
Sit down with Peter Fecci, MD, PhD, from the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center on this week’s episode of the Immunology Podcast, as he talks about his lab’s work in activating T cells to target brain tumors.
Evaluation of fluoxetine (Prozac) and Cytotoxic Lysosomal Stress in Glioma (FLIrT)
Finding therapies that can enter the brain and effectively treat tumors remains a hugely significant challenge for patients with brain cancer. However, recent research published in Cell Reports has shown that fluoxetine (commonly known as Prozac) can both directly damage tumor cells by inhibiting a key metabolic process, as well as potentially make them more sensitive to chemotherapy (temozolomide). Fluoxetine is known to cross the blood-brain barrier and is currently used to treat depression.
What is the Best Treatment for Brain Cancer: Unraveling the Options
Dealing with brain cancer is daunting, but understanding the available treatment options is crucial for patients and their loved ones. Let’s dive into the various approaches used to tackle brain cancer. From conventional treatments like surgery and radiation to innovative therapies that are in clinical trials, we will explore cutting-edge advancements in the field. Let’s begin exploring and unraveling the best treatment options for brain cancer.
Left Brain vs Right Brain: Why Brain Tumor Location Matters
When it comes to brain tumors, their location within the brain plays a crucial role in determining the symptoms, treatment options, and overall prognosis. The brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left brain and the right brain. Each hemisphere is responsible for different functions, and the presence of a tumor in either hemisphere can have distinct effects on an individual's cognitive and physical abilities.
What Is a Glioma Brain Tumor? Everything You Need to Know
Gliomas are the most common type of malignant brain tumor in adults, arising from glial cells that support and protect neurons in the brain. These tumors can disrupt brain function and present significant challenges for patients and caregivers. At The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center (PRTBTC), we’re here to guide you through the complexities of glioma diagnosis, treatment, and care.