Left Brain vs Right Brain: Why Brain Tumor Location Matters

By Nicole Calixtro


When it comes to brain tumors, their location within the brain plays a crucial role in determining the symptoms, treatment options, and overall prognosis. The brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left brain and the right brain. Each hemisphere is responsible for different functions, and the presence of a tumor in either hemisphere can have distinct effects on an individual's cognitive and physical abilities.

 In this article, we will explore the significance of brain tumor location, focusing on the differences between left-brain and right-brain tumors, and the importance of seeking treatment from specialized brain tumor treatment centers. If you want to learn about the red flags to look out for when it comes to brain tumors, head to our blog “ What Are The Red Flags For Brain Tumors?”. 

Understanding Left Brain and Right Brain Functions 

Before we delve into the specifics of brain tumor location, let's gain a better understanding of the left and right brain hemispheres.

What Does The Left Side of The Brain Control? 

 The left part of the brain is often associated with analytical thinking, logic, language processing, and mathematical abilities. It governs the right side of the body and is responsible for tasks such as speech production, reading, and writing.

What Does The Right Side of The Brain Control? 

 On the other hand, the right hemisphere is linked to creativity, spatial awareness, facial recognition, and emotional processing. It controls the left side of the body and contributes to artistic skills, visual perception, and understanding of emotions.

What Are Brain Tumors? 

Before we continue, let’s quickly touch on what brain tumors are. Brain tumors are abnormal growths that develop within the brain or surrounding brain tissues. These masses can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) and can arise from various types of brain cells. As tumors grow,  they can exert pressure on delicate brain structures, leading to a range of neurological symptoms and impairments.

To learn more about primary brain tumors, different types of brain tumors, and treatment options such as radiation therapy, head to our blog “Everything You Need To Know About Brain Cancer”. 

How Brain Tumor Location Affects Cognition

Tumors in the Left Hemisphere: Language Abilities 

When a tumor develops in the left hemisphere, it can lead to language-related issues. Aphasia, the impairment of language comprehension or production, is a common consequence. Patients may struggle to articulate words, find it difficult to understand written or spoken language, or experience challenges in word recall.

Tumors in the Right Hemisphere: Spatial Abilities 

When a tumor is present in the right hemisphere, spatial abilities can be affected. Patients may encounter difficulties with spatial orientation, visual perception, and recognizing faces. Additionally, they might experience trouble with tasks involving hand-eye coordination.

Tumor Size and Cognitive Impairment 

The size of the tumor can also influence cognitive functions. Larger tumors can exert more pressure on surrounding brain areas, leading to widespread cognitive impairment. On the other hand, smaller tumors may cause localized issues specific to the affected area.

Impact on Motor Skills 

Motor Impairment: Left Hemisphere Tumors

Tumors in the left side of the brain can result in motor deficits on the right side of the body. Patients may experience weakness, lack of coordination, or even paralysis in severe cases. These motor impairments can significantly impact the individual's daily activities.

Motor Impairment: Right Hemisphere Tumors

Conversely, tumors in the right hemisphere can affect the left side of the body. Patients may struggle with balance, fine motor skills, and coordination. Simple tasks like buttoning a shirt or tying shoelaces may become challenging.

Emotional and Behavioral Changes 

Emotional Lability 

Tumor location can also influence emotions and behavior. Emotional lability, characterized by rapid mood swings, is more common when tumors are present in the frontal lobes. Patients may experience sudden bouts of laughter or crying without an apparent trigger.

Personality Changes 

In some cases, personality changes can be symptoms of a brain tumor. Individuals may exhibit altered behavior, become socially withdrawn, or display disinhibited actions. Understanding these changes is crucial in providing appropriate support and care.

Best Brain Cancer Center Near You 

At the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, we are the leaders in brain cancer treatment,  research, and exclusive clinical trials. Our unparalleled expertise and compassionate care make us the top choice for those seeking the best possible outcomes.

Visit our office located in Durham, NC, and trust your journey to the forefront of brain tumor care. Contact us today for personalized and cutting-edge solutions. Together, we can fight against brain tumors and pave the way for a brighter future. To learn more about why our clinic is the best, head to our blog “Best Clinic for Brain Tumor Treatment.” 

Brain Tumor Location: Commonly Asked Questions 

How does the brain tumor location affect language abilities?

Brain tumor location can impact language abilities by affecting specific language processing areas, leading to difficulties in speech production or comprehension.

Can brain tumors cause personality changes?

Yes, brain tumors can cause personality changes due to their influence on brain regions responsible for emotional regulation and behavior.

Are cognitive deficits caused by brain tumors permanent?

The extent of cognitive deficits caused by brain tumors can vary. Some deficits may improve with treatment, while others may persist or require rehabilitation.

How can neuropsychological assessments help in brain tumor cases?

Neuropsychological assessments help identify cognitive impairments and pinpoint the brain regions affected by tumors, aiding in treatment planning.

Are all brain tumors cancerous?

No, not all brain tumors are cancerous. Some tumors are benign, while others are malignant and require more aggressive treatment.

Can targeted therapies effectively treat brain tumors?

Targeted therapies show promise in treating brain tumors by specifically targeting tumor cells, offering potentially more effective and less toxic treatment options.
