How Active Can You Be with a Brain Cancer Diagnosis?

By The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center


How active can you be with a brain cancer diagnosis? Let’s find out! Join us as we explore the connection between physical activity and resilience in the face of a brain cancer diagnosis. 

Discover the empowering potential that lies within maintaining an active lifestyle, and learn how individuals can navigate their unique paths with exercise. Keep reading to learn how embracing an active life can unfold for those affected by brain cancer.

Can You Exercise If You Have Brain Cancer? 

It’s important to check with your doctor before incorporating any strenuous exercises into your daily routine. However, it is generally encouraged for those with a brain cancer diagnosis to keep trying to live a healthy and active lifestyle by incorporating exercise. 

It’s common to feel fatigued with this condition and getting some movement in your day may help lessen this symptom. Many studies have also shown that staying active can offer benefits for brain cancer patients who are dealing with depression. 

Exercises to Try 

Here are some exercises you can try incorporating with your doctor’s permission. Remember, you should ease into physical exercise and be gentle on your body by prioritizing low-impact exercises in moderation. Some great forms of exercise to try include things like walking, swimming, gardening, stationary bikes, yoga, or light weights. 

If you find you are having problems with your balance, try exercises you can do while sitting down such as leg extensions, overhead presses, leg raises, and more. It can be simple movements, as long as you move your body in a way that is comfortable for you. 

Tips for Exercising With Brain Cancer

Here are some tips to help you seamlessly incorporate working out into your routine: 

  • Listen to Your Body: Avoid a rigid routine and pay attention to your body's signals. Move on the days when you feel well, ensuring you don't overly exhaust yourself.


  • Diversify Your Workouts: Keep your exercise routine enjoyable by trying different activities. Whether it's yoga, swimming, or other forms of exercise, experimenting will help you find what works best for you. This variety not only keeps things interesting but also boosts motivation.


  • Mental Exercise Matters: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as puzzles or arts and crafts. Mental exercises can contribute to alleviating fatigue and enhancing overall well-being.


  • Short, Frequent Sessions: Opt for shorter exercise sessions, lasting three to five minutes, multiple times a day. Breaking up your exercise routine can be more manageable and less tiring than longer single sessions.


  • Incorporate Gentle Stretching: Integrate gentle stretching exercises into your regimen, with yoga being a great choice for both strength-building and relaxation.


  • Embrace the Outdoors: Spending time outside is beneficial for mental well-being. Aim for a short walk in the garden or local streets to soak in some vitamin D, contributing to overall health.


  • Walk for Well-Being: Don't underestimate the power of a walk. Even a simple walk around your neighborhood can have positive effects on your physical and mental health.


  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals and gradually increase the time spent exercising as you start feeling better. Setting realistic milestones ensures steady and sustainable progress in your fitness journey.

Benefits Of Exercising 

Engaging in regular exercise brings forth a multitude of benefits, fostering not just physical health but overall well-being. Consider the following advantages as you embark on your fitness journey:

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Regular exercise is a key player in weight management, helping you achieve and sustain a healthy weight, which is crucial for overall health.


  • Boost Energy Levels: Experience a surge in energy as exercise enhances cardiovascular health, allowing your heart and lungs to work more efficiently.


  • Prevent or Manage Conditions: Exercise plays a vital role in preventing and managing various health conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. It contributes to a healthier lifestyle and reduces risk factors.


  • Strengthen Bones and Muscles: Weight-bearing exercises contribute to stronger bones, while muscle-strengthening activities enhance overall muscular health, promoting better mobility.


  • Enhance Mood: Exercise is a natural mood booster, releasing endorphins that contribute to feelings of happiness and reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety.


  • Improve Balance and Coordination: Incorporating exercises that focus on balance and coordination enhances motor skills, reducing the risk of falls and improving overall physical stability.

Best Brain Tumor Clinic 

Embark on your journey towards healing and hope with our state-of-the-art brain cancer clinic located in Durham, North Carolina. Our dedicated team of specialists at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center is committed to providing unparalleled care tailored to your unique needs.

Don't let a diagnosis define you – take charge of your health and choose the best brain tumor clinic for compassionate support and innovative treatments. Schedule your consultation today and let us guide you towards a brighter tomorrow.


Related Readings: 

Commonly Asked Questions: Brain Cancer and Exercise

Can you live a normal life with brain cancer?

Living a normal life with brain cancer depends on various factors, including the type of brain cancer, its stage, and the individual's overall health. While a brain cancer diagnosis brings challenges, advancements in treatment options and supportive care have allowed many individuals to lead fulfilling lives. It is essential to work closely with medical professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan, incorporating therapies that can manage symptoms and enhance quality of life.


How does a brain tumor affect your daily life?

The impact of a brain tumor on daily life can vary widely depending on factors such as tumor type, location, and treatment. Commonly, individuals may experience symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, cognitive changes, and emotional challenges. These can affect daily activities, work, and relationships. Treatment side effects and recovery processes also contribute to adjustments in daily routines. 


What is the best exercise for a brain tumor?

Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and gardening are amazing ways you can get some daily movement with a brain tumor. Talk to your doctor to see what other forms of exercise are acceptable for you and your diagnosis. 


Can you go to the gym with a brain tumor?

Yes, you can go to the gym with a brain tumor. However, it’s important to check in with your doctor before beginning any strenuous activities, like weight lifting. Make sure to slowly build up your stamina. 
