A Message from the Director

Thank you for supporting The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center. Whether you are already a supporter or are considering making your first gift, I hope the information on these pages will help you understand the importance of your generosity in helping our scientists make breakthrough discoveries. 

I am both inspired and thankful for every gift we receive. I am extremely grateful to all the individuals, organizations, and corporations who help us continue this life-saving work. Your gift moves us closer to a cure. We have never been closer to a cure than we are today. Your contribution could make all the difference.

David Ashley, MBBS, FRACP, Ph.D.

David Ashley

Explore Giving Options

We are at a critical moment in the battle against brain tumors. Because we take the road less traveled in research, we're changing the rules on cancer. But now, we seek the ultimate collaboration, the partnership that will allow us to fully realize the potential of every step we have taken to transform brain cancer research and care. You can help translate the work done here into improved cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship for everyone. There are many ways to give. Explore giving options below.

If you choose to make a memorial or honor gift to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center to honor the life of a friend or loved one, your gift will support the center’s Fund for Hope and will be used to meet the important priority needs of the center.

Alternately you may choose to designate the gift to support a specific type of brain tumor research project or wish to make your gift in honor of any doctors, nurses or caregivers who may have contributed to the patient’s care. 

When you make a memorial or honor gift, we can notify the family or person you specify (your contribution amount remains confidential). Please include the name and address of the person or family you would like for us to notify about your thoughtful gesture. We will send an acknowledgement to whomever you designate. 

To make your memorial or honor gift online, click here

To make your gift by mail, print and complete this form and make your check payable to Tisch Brain Tumor Center and mail to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center,  DUMC 3624, Durham, NC  27710.  On the memo line, please note “In memory of (person’s name),” as well as the gift’s designation, if any. 

If you recently have suffered the loss of a loved one and would like for friends and family to make a donation in lieu of flowers, you may instruct the funeral director to include the following phrase in the obituary notice:  "In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke."  Checks should be made payable to Tisch Brain Tumor Center and sent to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, DUMC Box 3624, Durham, NC 27710.

For more information, please contact Anne Beebe at 919.684.4784.  

You may give stock—both publicly and privately owned—or bonds to Duke. If you have owned securities for at least one year, you will qualify for a charitable tax deduction equal to the value of the securities on the date they're given.

Duke may then sell the securities and use the funds without having to pay capital gains taxes. Gifts of appreciated securities are deductible up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income in the year you make the gift.

You may deduct any excess balance over the next five years. In some cases, our donors can save substantially more in taxes by giving securities as opposed to cash. Consult your individual tax advisor to determine how much of your contribution is deductible. 

Note that gifts of privately traded (closely held) stocks require additional preparation, but Duke’s planned giving staff can explain the benefits and options. When making a stock transfer, please contact Binta Watkins at 919.684.2338 and Anne Beebe at 919.684.4784.

Your employer can expand the impact of your contribution. To find out if your company or your spouse's company offers a matching gift program, contact your company's human resources department or philanthropy department for the necessary forms or look at Duke's matching gifts list.

If your company participates, please follow the instructions provided or request the appropriate paperwork. Gifts forms can be submitted, if available, through your company's online submission portal, or completed forms can be mailed to the address below: 

Anne Beebe
Phone: 919.684.4784
Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke
Room 047, Baker House, 201 Trent Drive 
Box 3624 DUMC
Durham, NC  27710

Gifts-in-Kind (GIK) are non-monetary gifts to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center. Examples include silent auction items for Angels Among Us such as art, sports memorabilia, gift baskets, books, golf packages — anything you feel would make a great silent auction item. 

A planned gift is a contribution that is arranged in the present and allocated at a future date. Commonly donated through a will or trust, planned gifts are most often granted once the donor has passed away. At Duke, donors can make a planned gift to benefit the cancer clinician from whom they received care. Donors may choose to give a gift of:

  • real estate
  • life income gift
  • charitable remainder trust,
  • pooled income fund gift
  • charitable gift annuity
  • charitable lead trust
  • bequest
  • life income gift
  • gift from a retirement plan upon death

For additional questions regarding giving opportunities, please call Suzie Ferrero at 919-385-1840.

Our ability to fulfill the hopes and dreams of those affected by cancer begins with you. Your gift can extend your legacy beyond your lifetime.

We hope that you take pride in your part in helping unlock the mysteries of brain tumors.  In years to come, as dramatic discoveries translate into innovative treatments and even cures, we will reflect with gratitude on the generosity of those who made it possible.  

By making a gift or choosing to honor a loved one with a named endowment or professorship, you become a member of a small but vital and unique group of people who dedicate themselves to being on the front lines in the fight against brain tumors.

Together we can dramatically accelerate the pace of converting scientific discoveries into clinical advances that reduce the devastating effects of cancer.

Raise vital funds for research at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center through Angels Among Us. Our annual fundraiser, held on the Duke campus, brings together over 4,000 participants to celebrate HOPE. Teams work year-round to support this cause. Visit AngelsAmongUs.org to learn more. To get in contact with the team, please email angelsamongus@duke.edu, or dial Anne Beebe at 919.684.4784.

Join in the fight against brain cancer!

External Relations Team

The Office of External Relations is responsible for the Center's fundraising efforts, including coordinating special events and projects, such as the annual Angels Among Us event. This office also staffs the Duke Brain Tumor Program Board of Advisors and promotes the work of the Center within the community. 

Director of Development
Director of Development
Director of Stewardship
Development Coordinator
Development Coordinator, Angels Among Us